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diet alkali

Diet Alkali

The Alkaline Diet? Is it because of alkaline minerals, or is it something else? By replacing acidic foods with alkaline foods, proponents say that alkaline diets can help improve health, prevent disease, and lose weight by adjusting the body’s acidity to alkaline. 50% is correct, and 50% is incorrect. Eating alkaline fruits, vegetables, and legumesSelengkapnya »Diet Alkali

potensial reduksi oksidasi

Potensi Oksidasi-Reduksi

Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) What is oxidation-reduction potential? Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) measures the ability of a lake or river to cleanse itself or break down waste products, such as contaminants and dead plants and animals. When the ORP value is high, there is lots of oxygen present in the water. This means that bacteria that decomposeSelengkapnya »Potensi Oksidasi-Reduksi

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